Other Occasions
While bagpipes are most common at weddings and funerals, they can be played at many other occasions as well. The most common types of events I play are:
Church Services - playing hymns such as "Be Thou My Vision," "How Great Thou Art," "On Eagle's Wings," and "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee"
Golf Tournaments - perform as players warm up and then play as they exit the clubhouse area to go out to their starting holes
Birthday Parties - play "Happy Birthday" and any requests people have. I can also be a surprise.
St. Patrick's Day - play "Danny Boy," "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling," and other Irish songs
Patriotic Events - play songs such as "God Bless America" and "America the Beautiful"
Schools - play at graduation ceremonies as well as recitals where I explain how the bagpipes work and my attire
Highland Games and Renaissance Festivals
Christmas Parties - play "Jingle Bells," "Joy to the World," and many other carols
New Year's Eve Celebrations - play "Auld Lang Syne"
Burns' Suppers - pipe in the haggis and play "A Man's a Man For a' That"
Some other occasions I have played at over the years include:
Radio and TV Stations
Commercials and TV shows
Prince Charles as he visited Houston in 1986
Cultural Events such as International Festivals and World Music Festivals
Eagle Scout Ceremonies
1992 Republican National Convention in Houston
Martin Luther King Celebrations
Camp Retreats
Parades and Restaurants
Corporate Events and Conventions
Cruise Ships